Where to find IMEI number on Flexy205?


I have a Flexy205 with a 4G extension card but i’m unsure on where to find the IMEI number for my flexy device. Can you tell me where it is?

Thanks in advance!



On the physical extension card, you can find the IMEI number on a white label. If the extension card is inserted in the Flexy, you will have to remove it from the Flexy to find the label with the IMEI number.

Additionally, you can find the IMEI number in the Flexy’s web interface. It’s under the GsmIMEI parameter which is located in the estat.htm file.

This file is located under Diagnostic and then in the File Transfer section (screenshot below)

If you have a Cellular WAN extension card (3G or 4G), you will find the IMEI in the estat.htm file under the parameter GsmIMEI

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