XML Parse Error with EDS IMPORT

We have a problem importing a Third Party EDS file >https://cdn.hms-networks.com/docs/librariesprovider7/default-document-library/firmware-software/hms-eds-abx-eips.zip?sfvrsn=8606abd6_14


XML Parse Error, Code: 0xC00CE201, URL: no url, Reason: Error parsing ‘-1’ as ui4 datatype. Source: <fdt:DtmDeviceType deviceTypeInformation=’’ deviceTypeId=’-1’ subDeviceType=’-1’ manufacturerId=‘286’ classificationId=‘dtmSpecific’> (Line 7, L…

Which Anybus device are you using and what software are you using?

we use SYCON.net https://www.hilscher.com/products/product-groups/software/configurator/syconnet/


and we use Anybus X-gateway – EtherNet/IP Scanner - EtherNet/IP Adapter

The Anybus EIP Scanner doesn’t use EDS files, you just need to enter the connection points for the EIP Adapter/Slave. (See Scan List Configuration) If you are getting an error from the Sycon software, you would have to contact Hilscher about that.

Thanks Ok I don’t mind The EDS being of HMS origin. I will ask them to analyze the pb but can you tell me your EDS is functional ?

Yes, if you are using the EDS files from this page they are used by thousands of devices every day. Make sure you are using the correct one.

Hello @NDRNce,

I spoke with Christopher in France that you have been in touch with. I think I have some idea what your issue is. While I recommend you reach out to your local support we should be able to help you today.

Can you clarify what side of the device you are having eds files with? What are the devices the Master is connecting to?

For the EIP slave the Anybus master is connecting to you will need to know the assemblies you are connecting to and the size. This will then be entered into the scan list setup on the EIP scanners webpage.


Hello Deryck
Thank you The EDS is placed on the Mitsubishi PLC card side
We have changed the size of the exchange data in the EDS configuration

Hello Deryck and Kyle
Hello We finally managed to connect the two sides, we have removed the offset provided by EDS
and reverse the order of the data.Capture

Now I would like to know more about mapping. I need to match the data received from each side. How should I proceed? because I do not see where in the interface this is done.

Thank you in advance
Ned C.

Hello @NDRNce,

The scanner reads all the data in the assembly, writing it to the gateway. The offset use is the offset of where in the gateway to write the data.


Hello Deryck
Now I would like to know more about mapping. I need to match the data received from each side. How should I proceed? because I do not see where in the interface this is done.

Do you have a concrete example ?

What specifically are you trying to map? You don’t map specific data on the gateway, and data from one side of the gateway is copied to the other exactly with not option to remap. You can only specify where a request is mapped to using the offset in the scan list configuration.

My colleague in Europe might be able to provide a more details explanation I will ask them to to reach out.
