Can a Flexy 201 access data from a Siemens Logo via Modbus?


Can you check in the config.txt file (Setup > System > Storage > Edit SYSTEM cfg) and let me know what the value for setting IpMbsSrvPort is set to?

It has 503 as the value.

I tested the modbus requests with CAS scanner though the VPN and i cant get that to work either.

Are you sure the device is connected on the LAN of the ewon? I would verify this and check what port it uses for modbus.


Yes it is connected to the same network.

Port 503

Should this be getting a response? I would at least expect a modbus error message response.

Ok… I had an hour to look at it before heading to a start-up and here’s what I have found:

On the wifi within the machine I have following:

All devices show up online including the Siemens unit after pinging each unit. But, the eWon still won’t communicate with it.

On the ecatcher access via cellular:

Devices show up online but the Siemens unit can’t be pinged.

It looks as if the issue is with the eWon communicating with the Siemens unit. I can get on the wifi and ping it with my laptop and it works great, but anytime I try and use the eWon it doesn’t communicate.

Hope this helps.


I am having a hard time understanding the network layout here. How is the wifi connected to the network/devices? Is the Siemens PLC on the LAN side of the ewon? Is this directly connected or are their multiple routers/switches involved?

The wireless bolt is connected to one of the lan ports on the eWon.

The PLC network is connected to another one of the lan ports on the eWon. This network has Allen-Bradley and Siemens. I’m using Allen-Bradley Stratix Network Switches.

Hope this helps.


I’m not sure what would be going on here. Perhaps the issue is still related to the with the port. Can you configure the Siemens plc to use port 502 for modbus?


The Siemens PLC is one that came on a machine within my machine. So, I have spent the last few days getting the program change. I should be getting it tomorrow hopefully.


Did you have any luck with this?

I was just writing you when you sent this… I’m sorry it took so long but I had to go to the mfg to get another program sent to me on this particular machine. They finally got it to me and it seems like its working now.

Not sure why eWon wouldn’t take the 503 but its all ok.

Thank you very much!


Thanks for the update im going to follow up with the dev team on this. I remember there being an issue a few firmware revisions back regarding changing this port but I was under the impression it had been resolved.


Hi Scott,

It looks like this was partly my oversight. The Modbus TCP port needs to be changed using the advanced Parameter box at the bottom of the IO server setup.
You would be able to add the following line.

See IOSErver doc :
Page 14

The other port number is for the modbus TCP slave on the ewon.
