Cosy 131 Easy USB setup

Hi Peter,

The Easy USB Setup is a feature in the eCatcher v6.4 pre-release described in this video. See the video and following post for details:

In order to use the Easy USB setup, first download the pre-release eCatcher 6.4.

The follow this Guide for instructions.

In summary, you can find the feature where you typically find the activation key, in the eWONs properties > Talk2m Connectivity tab:

You will configure your settings and download the files to your UBS stick. You will need to make sure your eWON is connected to the WAN and power ON, when the PWR LED is green & the USR LED is blinking green,insert your configured USB stick/SD card into your eWON Cosy.
There will be a series of lights to indicate whether or not the setup was successful and the eWON will reboot.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



Awesome thank you Kyle!

The ewons are fully capable of being configured through the USB port at this time correct?

That is correct, but you must be using the pre-release version 6.4 of eCatcher.

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