Ecatcher not showing ewon identifier and online/offline status

Hello team support,

One customer logged in his ecatcher account this morning and all his devices are shown offline even if they are online and able to connect. Also, no identification for these ewon. This is the first time I see it. Here a picture. What can he do to make it reappear?




This is a very easy fix. We actually have an existing forum post on this exact issue. Please see the link below.

Ok, my customer tried and it seems to not work.

Any other options to try?



If you right click on status and click choose columns, do you see checkmarks?

If so, It’s possible that the Status column width is very large and you are just not seeing the other columns due to that. I would try making the status column width smaller by dragging it to the left.

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There really isn’t another reason those fields wouldn’t be showing.

Can they confirm that the status field is just not expanded very far? That can happen after resolving this issue.

BOOM, problem solved!

Thanks guys!