Event list Ewon Flexy 201

Good morning team HMS,

I have a Flexy 201 equipment that generated the faults attached in the event log. The Flexy somehow deleted the event log up to that date and I can’t what happened before that. Can you support me with this failure to see what could have happened?


events (1).txt (153 KB)

Hi Tommy,

I would remove the SD card. Also your on firmware 13.2s1 so I would update to the newer firmware.

Hi Zach,

My question is what could have happened there? I tell you that in the SD historical reports are saved every 1 hour and if I remove the SD I could not save that data.

I will be updating the firmware of that equipment when I go to provide support in the field, since that equipment is operational in a field.



Tommy ASM

It looks like the SD card was full or not being read correctly. If it is being used for memory extension just make sure it does not have any back up files of the ewon or other files for configuration.

I do notice this in the log though.

pla-Switch monitoring (counters fix here)

This usually mean there is something causing interference with communication. This could be caused by new machinery being installed creating an em field or the Ethernet cable not being shielded and being close to something with high power.

As I mentioned though I would atleast update the firmware since it fixes some errors and gives updated error codes.

A post was split to a new topic: Flexy red light