eWon Flexy Digital output to indicate power status


I am looking for a method to know whether eWon is powered on/off. The digital output from eWon will be connected to a PLC. I learned how to create a tag for DO. However, I don’t know how to write code to connect the DO tag with power status. Thank you for the help!


You can change the initial value of the Digital Output 1 in the advanced parameters so when the eWON boots, the digital output will show a value of 1 which means power across that DO.

Additionally, you can use scripting in the eWON under the init section.
If i have an eWON tag type for my digital output called “DO_TAG”

You can type DO_TAG@ = 1 in the init section of your BASIC IDE.
This will set the tag to a value of 1 when your device boots.

Thanks for the response, Joe.

I followed your method and got a signal from eWon to PLC. I am curious about the physical meaning of the signal. Does it show the power of eWon is on? Or the program in eWon is running smoothly? Or some other meanings?

I am trying to identify different possible failures when eWon is running and collect “fault signals” so we can react to it asap.

Thank you


If the digital output is activated then the eWON loaded either the comcfg or basic IDE init section (ensure auto-run is enabled in the IDE) successfully depending on the method you used above.

It really just means the device is powered on and responsive.

You may be interested in changing other digital outputs as well depending on the WAN connection or VPN connection status. You can do this with scripting.

Example located here: Disable WAN with Digital Input