Internet connection fails WIFI Flexy205

hi, i’m trying to connect the flexy 205 to internet with WIFI card. when making the test running the Wan connection OK, but the internet connection Fail and generate this code.


The WAN connection will pass if there’s an IP address assigned to the WAN.
Are you using DHCP or static addressing for the eWON’s WAN (WIFI)?

The DNS errors can indicate the inability to reach the internet in general or they could be DNS related. I would try a public DNS and see if the internet wizard still fails.

Here’s an example on how to add google’s public DNS information in the internet wizard:

I use an DHCP in both. (DNS and Wifi WAN)


Does that WIFI network have access to the internet? For example, can your PC reach the internet using that same WIFI network?

If so, can you please try the Talk2M wizard? If that fails, please provide me a backup of your eWON device (including support files) using our eBuddy software. This will allow me to view all of your device settings.

Yes, I try the Talk2M wizard and Fails.



Can your PC reach the internet using the same WIFI network?

Can you please send me a backup that includes support files as the one you have provided does not show any logs.

Yes, my computer is connected to the same network via WIFI. I attached the support file.



Thank you for providing the backup.

The eWON is currently experiencing an IP conflict between the WAN and LAN interfaces.

The WIFI network:

The eWON’s LAN IP is

Both of these networks are in the same subnet so the eWON is unable to route traffic.

You will need to either change your WAN network DHCP server scope or the IP of the eWON to be in a different subnet like 192.168.2.X instead of .1.

For more information on WAN/LAN conflicts, please see the following explanation:

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Now I see the problem,Thanks for your time

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