Issue with Connecting in ecatcher


I am having an issue with connecting to my new eWON 131, It shows up and says online but when I connect I get the error: TAP-Windows adapter Talk2M-ecatcher not found.


Can you advise what eCatcher version you are currently running?

If you look at your network and sharing center, do you see a tap adapter?

Hello Jordan,

I am using version 6.3.5,
also I am not seeing the adapter- I did run the bat file and rename vbs script


Ok I do see the adapters they are just not renaming properly.

Can you right-click the adapter labeled Ethernet 3 and paste in: Talk2M-eCatcher

Hello Jordan,

I tried to rename it and it says a connection already exists?


Unfortunately that issue is a tough one to fully resolve. However I can provide you with a pretty quick “patch”.

  1. Download this file: Talk2MClient.ovpn (739 Bytes)

  2. Drag and drop the file into: C:\Program Files (x86)\eCatcher-Talk2M\Talk2mVpnService\conf

  3. Rename your tap adapter: Talk2m Adapter

Essentially I have just updated the adapter name that eCatcher searches for when making a connection.

Hello Jordan,
Success- Thank You!!



Not a problem, glad that worked.

Please let me know if you have any further issues.