Legacy Anybus Configuration Manager

Greetings, newbie here (to Anybus). I have an Anybus X-Gateway that was purchased about a year ago to be used in a new plant that my company is building. It came pre-configured as an Ethernet IP Slave on both interfaces. I tried to set the module up in June of 2021 while the plant was under construction. If I remember correctly, I couldn’t get the Anybus Configuration Manager software to work that is available on the downloads page. I somehow caught on at the time about an earlier, or perhaps a different version, was available on another web page. I was able to set the IP addresses with the other software but didn’t know what they would be at the time so left them blank. Here I am eight months later and the plant is mostly finished and I’m trying to go back in and set the IP addresses for both interfaces. Now for the kicker, I’m sure I saved the correct software on my laptop at the time, but a month ago the IT department wiped my laptop and upgraded the software. I can’t find the right file now. Does anyone know of the legacy software that I am referring to, and where I might find and download it again? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Actually, I need to correct my own post. It is the IpConfig software that I had to use another version, not the Configuration Manager. Sorry!


You can find an older IPConfig download on the following topic page:

This should be able to let you connect to the device.

Thank you, Kevin!