Omron IO server config with NX1P2 plc

HI @jseanor, sure i will ask him and let you know.

PS: My colleague Denis Kaliberov sent a ticket that have the same topic, can you join both tickets together?



Excellent also I did search for Denis but it doesn’t appear he actually submitted a thread.


UPDATE: We just found the thread he created on our other system. I am importing it here and inviting Denis to this thread.


One of our client is using the NX1P2 OMRON controller. The software programming is done in OMRON’s Sysmac Studio software and tags defined in Sysmac Studio.

Is there any chance you have information that’s specific to using the eWON with an NX series controller?

Those use a combination of Sysmac Studio and Omron’s Network Configurator tool to set up Ethernet/IP communication, as far as I can tell.

Thank you.

Have a good day!


I have merged your request with @Jcadorette and have invited you to be a participant on this thread.

Hi @jseanor,

Check your messages, the credentials to log in are there.



Excellent. I will send this information over.

I cannot guarantee we will be able to make it work however there are a few things we can
test on our end.

Thanks @jseanor

Do you know why it’s not possible to poll from an NX while it is from a NJ?

For the back-up, i will ask customer and get back to you.



The NX series PLC does not support the FINS protocol, primarily FINS TCP anymore. Usually with an eWON we use FINS TCP to poll data which the NJ device does support.

One thing my colleague however would like to determine is he may have seen somewhere support for FINS UDP which may allow us to make it work though until we can fully test we cannot be certain.


We made some changes in the Flexy and it appears the data is polling though we cannot be certain because we cannot change tag values. Can you try updating a value for me and advise if the polling is working?

Hi Jordan,

Here’s the backup. Customer sent me more than needed so we should be ok to test it.

He also mentionned that the unit is on test, sitting on his deck so no problem to change some parameters, it’s not live.

He also mentionned this:

''From my research into this a bit, it seems like the NX1P2 may not support FINS over ethernet/IP. It does, however, seem to support FINS over serial communication (where I can get a RS232C or RS422/485 extension card for the NX) . I believe the eWON Flexy has serial extension cards, perhaps the answer could be in using serial communication for the tag links and datalogging, with the LAN network for remote connectivity?

Let me know what you think about investigating that route.’’

Can we test this alternative to pass by Serial communication to make it work?

Thanking you in advance!

Best Regards,

PLC Backup moved to internal


Were you able to have your customer test updating some values to see if the ViewIO screen updated to reflect the changes?

Hi Jordan,

Everything works fine!! We would like to know what your team did because there will be a repeat for sure.

Thanks for your help!

anynotes on how this was done? Trying to set this up as well, ewon flexi to NX1P2


The only thing we needed to do was update the Flexy from FINS TCP to use FINS UDP.
The NX1 devices do not support FINS TCP currently though they do support FINS UDP.

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I have set to fins/UDP and i am getting an FINS error “fins-invalid FINS command”

NX1p2 Tag

Is there any chance of getting a copy of the ewon backup / plc to see what i am doing wrong.

Thanks in advance for the help

I am getting the same error you are. Did you by chance figure out a fix to this?

Got it working hope this helps

I do not know what all these numbers relate to but i have 3 x NX1P2 Talking to the Ewon Flexi with these settings now

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The key is that you resolved the issue with the actual FINS network, apologies on the delay on my part.

In your earlier screenshot you will see you set the IOServer up as 0,250, but in your new
setup you have configured it as 1,250,

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A post was split to a new topic: Flexy 205 with NX102