RE: M2Web Error Message

Hi Chris,

I have not seen this before. I am getting on an airplane in a few minutes, so I have added our technical support team so someone can investigate it.


I also sent this from my HMS email, but I’m sending from my Gmail account to make sure this gets into the queue.



Hi Chris,

Can you send us a backup.tar file of the device with the support files included?

Hi Tim,

I keep getting blocked trying to send the .tar file via email. Do you have a different file transfer protocol that we can try?


Chris Hegler

Can you try and zip the files and send them?


Gmail and my Pressco email account will block the zip file. I sent it to via WeTransfer, so a download link for it should be coming your way.

It may just be easier if I take a look at this through teamviewer


Don’t worry about it. The M2MWeb is working today with our 6 KPIs. It seems like an intermittent problem with the website itself (I heard it’s in beta right now) rather than anything with our config on our Flexy. We’re okay on our side.

