SocketCAN Driver for Linux 20.04

What hardware are you using for the CAN interface?

Ixxat USB-to-CAN V2 compact

Sorry for the delay, I was traveling and didn’t see your post. Do you have VMWare Tools installed on the VMs?


I have the same problem with my VM with ubuntu 20.04 and kernel 5.15.

I installed as you told in the last post: the VM tools, but when I up the can0 it’s appear a segmentation fault.

i installed the driver you post for the kernel 5.13.

The can0 appear when I do « ip link list », the configuration is ok.

Have you an idea to solve the segmentation fault?

Best regards

Can you try with this version of SocketCAN?

Thank you I will try this one tomorrow and tell you if it’s good or not.

Hi I’ve just tested and it works.

Thank you.

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Great! The fix will be included in the next “official” release.

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I am currently trying to write a c++ program to open port usb-can device for ubuntu linux.
I just realized that I need to enter below command everytime open port and write something to CAN bus.

sudo ip link set up can0 type can bitrate 500000
sudo ip link set can0 up

It works find however I need to embed this command into the program so that it automatically open the device with specific bitrate. How can I do that? Any example code available for this kind of operation?

This demo may be helpful:

Thanks for your help.
I will give it a try.

I also noticed that my old USB-to-CAN compact isn’t supported by the above linux driver.
My ubuntu 20.04 won’t recognize the device.

I attached a screen shot about the device when connected to windows 11.
Do you also have drivers for this good old device as well?


These old USB-to-CAN (V1 - obsolete since 2014) devices do not have firmware in the flash, only a bootloader, and it looks like you have the latest bootloader. I’m actually surprised that it is working with W11. They only officially support up to W8.

Hi, this has been working well for me, but when a perform a sudo apt-get update the driver doesn’t seem to be working anymore. My can0 disappears and I have to reinstall it. This has happened on boot at times as well.

Is there anything I need to do to fix this?
Any help is appreciated, thank you.

It sounds like you are overwriting the custom SocketCAN driver with the default version. Are you using Ubuntu 20.04?

Yes i am using linux ubuntu 20.04. Are you able to advise me on the correct steps on how to fixs this issue.

Yes. The way to fix it is make / make install the driver after updating the kernel. The update is overwriting the SocketCAN driver.

Hello Kyle, we were also experiencing the same issue and the modified version above seems to compile fine for us. Is there a potential release date for those changes to be pushed for distribution via the main ixxat driver download page?

Hi @railpod,

I will check and find out when this will be released.

Hello Kyle, would you please be able to confirm a (tested) kernel version on Ubuntu 22.04 with which the driver is compatible?

Kernel 5.13? The one I posted above supports up to kernel 5.15.

Here is the link again: MOVED TO STAFF NOTE

Latest version as of 3/2023: (161.5 KB)