Unable to read Values of IO address FLexy 201


I am not able to read IO values in Ewon flexy 201 . Please see below images

You should “Disable Tags in Error” in “IO Servers > General” and then check the logs to see which tags are possibly causing the problem.

Also, make sure the settings are correct by reading:

AUG-0045-00 - Poll data from Allen-Bradley PLC using serial protocol
AUG-0079-00 - Poll data from Allen-Bradley PLC using Ethernet protocol

Thanks for your reply.
I did check disable TAG in Error still not able to read the values.

I am using Micrologix 1400 PLC .

As per below discussion i did configure PLC using DF1 just entered IP address
Flexy with A-B MicroLogix 1100 via Ethernet - Ewon Support - hms.how (hms-networks.com)

then i have configured TAG as per below,

The purpose of “Disable Tags in Error” is for debugging, not necessarily to get the tags to work. In the Event Logs, you should see an error saying why the tag was disabled, which should help you find the problem. See page 16.

What does it say when you hover the mouse cursor over the red icon?

Can you make a backup of the Ewon using eBuddy and check the box “Include Support Files” and share it so I can see the settings and logs?