Using Images Flexy

If you run just the erase line from BASIC what error are you getting? This errror looks like it’s part of opening the file to write to it

No error for running just the Erase command and no error runnning my script without the Erase command

If you run just the erase command, does it seem to actually get rid of the file?


there is no problem with this IO(33) error, its just an error to creat a new file, I can get rid of it later. What I want to know iswhy the .txt file i’m ggetting is empty. Is it a scan problem? Is it faster to erase the file?

Can you make me a temporary user on your account so I can try and debug this? I’ll hide the information you send me so it can only be seen by hms internal

Yes, how do I do this?

There should be an add button in the users section of eBuddy where you can make me a temporary user

Whats the user name, email?

I usually just do something like HMS for the username and for the email

I made a few modification to the code to help narrow down which part of the code was having the issues. I need to head out for the day but I’ll take a look at this again Tuesday morning and see if it’s still having problems


Tell me if you need sth else

ok, Tim

Hi Igor,

Does it seem like the device is still having these issues?


oh, I’m still having trouble, after it goes to the ERASE command it looks like it’s getting in a loop, so I’m receiving the first email ok, but from there on I’m just getting blank files

I think it may have been because you had the tset 2,30 and then never turned the timer off. So I think that erase function kept getting called every 30 seconds. I just added a line that should turn the timer off after it’s erased. Can you let me know if it’s still having issues after that?

It’s alright now. Thanks for the help, Tim. I have another problem, can we talk about it here?

Glad to hear that parts working now, what’s the other issue you’re seeing?

So, I have this backup file from the Scheneider PLC, and it should communicate with the flexy. I’m using the Unity pro simlator, but I’m not able to make them communicate. So, can you help with that?
I configured all the things according to the user guides, maybe I’m missing sth.