AB7007 configuration for Modbus RS485 serial to ethernet IP conversion


I am trying to configure anybus serial ethernet/IP AB7007 to read the data from RS485 modbus type subnetwork to ethernet/IP fieldbus to communicate it to a PLC.

I have configured the IP address and subnetwork details using Anybus configuration manager and then downloaded the file.
I am only trying to read the holding registers and i am using the anybus in master mode protocol.

The node monitor shows some values and the subnetwork status LED indicates that subnetwork is healthy.

I am experiencing problems in ethernet/IP fieldbus side.

The module status LED flashes green indicating module not configured or in idle state.
The net status LED also flashes green indicating its online and IP is not configured.
But the IP address has been configured and i am able to ping the Anybus communicator module.

Also, when i searched for EDS file to use with rockwell, the anybus webiste directed me to EDS file of AB 7072 (the two version) because they have the same specs.
I used that EDS file and when i tried to configure it in RS logix, it showed connection faulted and module mismatch in IO mapping.
Is there anything else which i have missed in the configuration.

Thank you in advance.

Hello @aadesh

What is the exact EDS file you are using and what version of Configuration manager are you using? The eds from the Files and documents page show in studio as an AB7007 for me. https://www.anybus.com/support/file-doc-downloads/wireless-bolt/?ordercode=ab7007
Here is an app note for adding the device with the EDS file.

You can also add the device as a generic module

What is the firmware on the Ethernet card. I have seen some issues with old Ethernet card firmware not having support for newer CIP messages we use. If possible try updating its firmware.


Hi @deryck_hms,

Thanks a lot for the reply.

The link you have shared gave me the right EDS file for AB7007.

There are two RS485 subnetwork devices that i have configured.
They are of same make and model.
I am reading 32 integers( holding registers) from the 1st device and 16 integers (holding registers) from the 2nd device.

PLC reads the integer data in wrong format.
I am seeing huge negative values.

After doing the byte swapping in PLC, the data from second device became right.
But the data from the 1st device still doesn’t make any sense even after swapping the bytes.

Are there other things similar to byte swapping that i can try with the data?

Thank you

With regards,

Hello @aadesh

There are 4 endiannesses that you can end up with for 32 bit words. The Dword/32bit can be broken up by each byte and by the words.

Taking AABBCCDD here are just two examples you can end up with CCDDAABB swapping just the upper and lower words or BBAADDCC swapping the bytes.

You will see 4 options for endianness when creating a transaction in the gateway.



It works after reversing all 4 bytes and reading them as float data type.

Thank you

Thanks for an update, glad to hear it is working!