
I have an AB7649 but I do not have the software configuration.
I have a Keyence Module with ethernet IP interface, I want use AB7649F to connect it to a Profinet Network with a PLC 315PN master.

Where can I get the software and manual for this module.


Hi @Aaron_Perez,

You can get the manual and software here.

However, the configuration for the Anybus in this case is very simple. You will just be setting the I/O sizes, and some other basic settings using the Anybus Configuration Manager X-Gateway. Because the Anybus is the slave on both interfaces, the configuration for the network will be done with the software for your controllers.

Are you sure that the Keyence Module an Ethernet/IP Scanner (aka master)? If it’s not, this is the wrong device to use. If the Keyence is an Adapter, then you would need the AB7670 Ethernet/IP Scanner to Profinet IO.