AB7670-F Ethernet IP Eurotherm Nanodac

I’m trying to connect my Eurotherm Nanodac Ethernet IP to a Siemens Profinet Network through an Anybus AB7670-F. I can get the gateway to connect to the Nanodac, The NS LED is flashing green to indicate no Ethernet IP connection and the Nanodac is displaying Unknown Error (40) to indicate “An error was returned from the server device that is not part of the CIP specification”. I have the Anybus configuration manager and HMS IPconfig operating, do you have any advice?


Is the Eurotherm Nanodac Ethernet IP Interface a Scanner or adapter?

An error was returned from the server device that is not part of the CIP specification

The error above suggests that the Eurotherm interface is a scanner. If this is the case, it will not communicate with the AB7670, as two Scanner interfaces will not no be able to communicate.
