Can open error

When I add the EDS filr to a new node after scan and show me empty node, I have this message “Status: Node differs” , you can see in picture this. Do you have ideea what can be different in EDS file??error

Hello @remus19712000,

The box should be showing the difference in the message box. It looks like it is detecting differences in the description of the device but the text appears the same. Here is a screen shot showing another example. image
Perhaps there is extra white space in the EDS that is not sent from the device itself. You should be able to open the eds in a text editor and check for white space. You might also need to reach out to the OEM for details regarding this error in the EDS.


Hi Deryck , It is possible to read the data from device? Like to upload the EDS file from device and compare with EDS file what I have it?



You should be able to make read for the objects using the Online Object Access tool image


Deryck , I mean to upload the EDS from device and save , for compare line by line the file what a haveit with what is in the device , to be sure are identical

There is no eds on the device. What happens is those parameters are read off of the device and then compared to the EDS loaded in to the Configuration software. The error message should be showing you what differs between the EDS and what is read off of the device.


As you see in the picture only message what I have is “Node differs” nothing else . Don’t exist one option to read (upload) data from device ??? I try to compare eds file paramaters with data useing online objects data and don’t find any difference …
