Cannot log into QuickConnect, blank screen

When I try to log into QuickConnect I am not able to log in. I keep getting the following:

I need to get running, how can I fix this?


This error typically occurs when invalid data is cached. Pressing F5 should clear the cache and reload program.

Let us know if the issue persists.


I’ve the same problem and the F5 does not seem to do anything. I’m running windows 7 pro. Is Chromium the correct browser?

This issue just started last week, up to that point I did not have any trouble. Perhaps a security update from Winodws?


If you right-click inside of QuickConnect and select Reload Frame, do you see any difference?

Are you able to ping:

If you can ping it, can you try loading that url up in Chrome?

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I can login to the URL and get the page. Right click inside untitled page does nothing. The page just sits and spins until I get the kill page error popup.


I’m going to send you over a private message to snag your contact details. I’d like to give you a quick call to take a look live.

To close the loop on this subsequent entry into this thread please see the following.

In order to diagnose the issue further I connected to @khanson. Upon completing further diagnostics, it appears that a secondary software was conflicting with the port (8091) used by QuickConnect.

In order to resolve the issue the customer will need to find a way to release that port as it only began occurring after an update to the other software package.


Managed to remove the software using the 8091 port and after several re-installs and reboots, the port was finally open and I can now run QuickConnect. Thanks for finding the problem, I had no way to locate that issue. As it turns out it was also related to a backup program we use. from NTI.
Like I said, everything is working now. Great support guys!