Configuring for Ethernet/IP to RS-485

We have model AB7072-B. We have watched the basic tutorial videos, but are at a loss in trying to understand how to configure the Anybus device. We need to translate Ethernet/IP protocol into something our RS-485 device will be able to understand. Are there any “getting started” guides or tutorials that are up to date and more involved that the ones on the website?

Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks!

Under the application notes section they give some examples of setting up a device to work with studio 5000 if that’s what you’re looking for

Thanks, Tim. Our device is not a PLC or PAC. Its brain is a custom board with a PIC and supporting chips. Communication with the device is RS-485 and we’d like to get it on an Ethernet/IP network, which is why we purchased the Anybus.

I just looked through the PDF’s you linked, but I don’t see what I am looking for. Is there a section that explains how to map incoming Ethernet/IP requests to a custom serial protocol?

Hi @jsoucy

I don’t think that we have any tutorial like that unfortunately. To start off with though, have you already gone through the configuration manager and setup the subnetwork communication with the correct settings for your device?


After that you should be able to go in and create nodes with their slave addresses and have corresponding commands and choose their functions, output addresses, output values, and checksums for the queries and responses

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