Connect to a Codesys pLC

I am working with a client that has Codesys activated on a Maple HMI. This essentially makes one piece of hardware act as an HMI and a PLC. The hardware dedicates one LAN port to the HMI and one LAN port to the PLC.
I sent them a Flexy205 to use as a VPN gateway.
I can ping both LAN ports using the gateway.
I can remotely program the HMI portion of the Maple HMI using LAN2 at address x.x.x.102
I cannot get the Codesys software to correctly scan for the PLC at LAN1, address x.x.x.100.
I checked the Codesys forums and found some information related to UDP but wasn’t able to figure it out.
Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Matthew,

Can you try enabling PLC Discovery on the Ewon? This feature forwards broadcasts from software on the computer running eCatcher to the Ewon’s LAN, which can be necessary to identify PLCs on the network for programming.

You can read about how to enable it here:

Hi Hugh,
I enabled PLC discovery on the Ewon but no difference.

Hi Matthew,

To review, you have an HMI and a PLC connected to the Ewon’s LAN. You can ping both of them through the VPN and you can program the HMI, but the Codesys software cannot find the PLC, so you cannot program it. Is that accurate?

Did you reboot the Ewon after enabling PLC Discovery, and also make the change in eCatcher?

Do you have local access to the device? I’d like you to try programming the PLC from a computer connected to another one of the Ewon’s LAN ports so we can verify that this is a problem with the remote connection specifically.

Also, could you capture a backup with support files using eBuddy? Make sure to check “include support files” before finishing the dialogs to ensure the backup captures logs. You can download eBuddy here: Ewon Software Download | Ewon Technical Support

I did reboot the Ewon and made the changes in eCatcher.
The onsite engineer has local access to the device and he is connected to one of the Ewon’s LAN ports.
Attached is the backup with support files.

Thanks for the backup. Rather than using the scan option in the Codesys software, can you try connecting directly to the PLC? You should be able to find the PLC by searching for its IP address directly.

I am having a similar problem. I am using CODESYS to log onto a Eurotherm E+PLC 400. I can ping the IP but CODESYS doesn’t recognize/ see the PLC. Is there a port or something I need to change to get online with these processors?