Cosy DCHP over LAN Issue


I was wondering if you would help me configure my Ewon Cosy 131.

My PLC (Parker MD4) requires DHCP over the LAN Ethernet ports.

I have set the following parameters and I still can’t see the PLC:

LANDHCPSEnable 1 1
LANDHCPSLogLevel 0 0

Is there any further configuration required?
I currently have this working over a cheap battery-powered router.

Thank you for your time,


Is your Cosy’s LAN IP in the same subnet as the DHCP pool?
Have you rebooted your eWON since changing / saving these parameters?

We have instructions to setup the DHCP server on the eWON LAN, located here:

I would use a PC plugged into the eWON’s LAN to test whether it’s working.

Thank you for your response.

No the Cosy is at, outside of the DHCP range.

I have verified DHCP is working (and assigning addresses) on both my computer and the PLC.

If I connect both my computer and the PLC to the LAN ports the connection works. (like a simple ethernet switch would)

It’s just that when use eCatcher remotely to the Cosy I cannot connect to the PLC.

Is there some other step I must do?


Do you get any errors when connecting in eCatcher? Ensure you are not connected to the eWON’s LAN while using eCatcher otherwise you will get an IP conflict.

Do you know the IP assigned to the PLC via DHCP, and can you ping it?

If you can ping it then I would check out our PLC area on how to setup your specific PLC brand for remote access:

My PLC is not in your list, and I think it is an issue with something being proprietary on the PLC’s end, not Cosy’s. The DHCP is working.

Thank you for the help.