Creating a Button that updates multiple tags from number editors and text fields in viewon

Hi guys n gals,

Using javascript I cannot seem to be able to read values from texboxes en number editors.
I have a button and a textbox and number editor:

Using document.getElementByID(“UID_xxxxxxxContainer”).innerHTML I get nothing or NaN… I Also tried
How can I access the data in these boxes?

Hi viktor,

Try omitting Container (so select just UID_xxxxxxx) and then using .value instead of .innerHTML.

It was not setting the tag because of the problem described here:

I added right this above the setEwonTagVal and it worked.

Hi Hugh,

Well it did not work but i found a solution:

var container = document.getElementById(‘UID_1685959154608Container’);
var input = container.querySelector(‘input’);

// Check if an input element exists inside the container and parse data to float tag.
if (input) {
var inputValue = input.value;
var floatValue = parseFloat(inputValue);
setEwonTagVal(‘floatTag’, floatValue);

how to use integer value set at tags using button,