Default COSY VPN protocol

Can I assume that the default VPN protocol for the COSY (131 or 141) is UDP? (i.e. If I want to use TCP, I have to manually force it to TCP?)


That is 100% correct.

By default the eWON will use UDP as it is marginally faster.

You can however when running the Talk2M wizard select a checkbox to force
the connection to use TCP. If UDP tests invalid in the wizard as well, the eWON
will automatically force TCP.

I understand that, when online with a COSY, you can get into the maintenance settings and change from one protocol to the other. After you change the settings online, is it necessary to re-boot the device for the change to take effect?


Yes, you will want to reboot the unit to fully apply your selected change.

You can hit the reboot option from the maintenance page of the eWON UI.

There doesn’t seem to be a “maintenance” page for the COSY 131 (new-look GUI). How do I force TCP protocol remotely?

Hello @mairhead,
Jordan is no longer available to answer support requests please see my response here.
