Does Flexy can be a NTP server?

Hi there,

I looked online and saw that Flexy can be a NTP client, but can it be setted as a NTP server?

My customer does not want to grant access to WAN to all devices, because they want to block access to Internet to employees through HMI or PC.

Please let me know if it’s possible.



Unfortunately, the Flexy can only be set as an NTP client.

Hi @ashley_hms, is it something ewon is working on to offer the possibility?

Have a nice week!



I did escalate your request, and unfortunately it is not planned for any time in the near future.

Thanks, you have a great week as well!

Probably you can a create a port forwarding (Proxy rule)
From port 123 to port 123
Protocol UDP
To the NTP server
From lan to ext

A post was split to a new topic: Flexy as NTP server