E-catcher for IOS on mobile network

I have a customer with an Iphone where the connection via E-catcher only works when he is on wifi. It does not work on the cellular network.
I also have an Iphone and for me it does not matter which network I’am connected to. E-catcher works either way.


Please make sure they are running the latest ecatcher version. There was an issue with mobile networks not working due to how IPV6 addresses were used. This should be resolved in the latest update. If they are still having issues with the update please have a case submitted to support.hms-networks.com.

My customer is running V2.0.2


Daniel Barnelius

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the details, this version should not have the ipv6 issue. I recommended they open a support case on support.hms-networks.com so we can forward this issues to the development team.