EC6133H Deprecated - When is EC7133K available?

The product page for the EC6133H, the current North America cellular 4G Cosy, says:

This Ewon product has been moved into the “Exit” phase of the Ewons Product Life Cycle Management. This Ewon product is replaced by Ewon Cosy+ 4G NA - EC7133K.

I’m reluctant to put a product in the ‘exit’ phase into a new machine.

But my distributor says that the EC7133K is not yet available, that it’s still undergoing certification and not yet ready for sale in the US.

What is the timeline for this migration? Will a new EC6133H be supported for the full 3 year warranty?

Also, what are the differences between the old and new models? I see it adds bands B14, B66, and B71, and deprecates support for Verizon and ATT. It also appears to support wifi and cellular in the same unit, is that accurate?

Hi @kevinv,

The EC6133H, Cosy 131 4G NA, will have the same 3-year warranty. It will be replaced by the Cosy+ 4G NA next year, but in the meantime, you should still buy the EC6133H. It will not be treated any differently than the Cosy+ in terms of warranty.

There are only slight differences in the modems. The Cosy+ 4G NA will be certified by AT&T when it’s released and will support all AT&T and T-Mobile based cellular plans.

If you want more specifics on the differences in the modems, please contact