eCatcher Password Autofill Integration

Is there a way to log into eCatcher from M2Web? I am trying to integrate eCatcher with a password storage system like LastPass, and I was wondering if there was a way these programs were linked so that the integrated internet password capability could transfer to the eCatcher software. Or is there some other application that eCatcher does interface with?

eCatcher is a Windows program, and M2Web is a website. There isn’t any “integration” between them in the sense that you are referring to. The eCatcher application is completely separate from the browser. The LastPass Autofill feature only works for websites as far as I know. I’m unaware of a password manager that autofills general Windows applications. Usually you have to copy/paste from LastPass. There certainly may be an application that can do it automatically, but I haven’t seen one.

All I can suggest is using the "Remember Me’ option to store the Account Name and Username. For security reasons, the password is not stored.

Thank you for the detailed answer.

I can work through a saved log of eWON accounts in LastPass to copy/paste the required fields, so that will get me by.