EDS file and manual for AB6214-B V2.18

Please send me the EDS file and manual for AB6214-B V2.18

The Ethernet/IP 2-Port version? If so, you can find that product page here which has the EDS file and documentation.

No it is a single port. ABCC-EIPT

Serial #A052DF98


Here is the EDS file:

005A000000630200.eds (14.8 KB)

The documentation would be the same as the linked Product Page above.

Thank you


You’re welcome.

How would we set the IP address of the ABCC-EIPT module


You should be able to set the IP address with HMS IPconfig


We have the ABCC-EIPT module installed and it has no LEDs lit up on it. Should it?

I cant find a manual for this part # specifically. Could you point me to one? I apologize I know it is a legacy part.


The Abcc is an embedded device you would want to reach out the the manufacturer of the device is embedded in. Most of our documentation provided is for the developers. Since the device can be customized by manufactures they typically provide there on documentation.

You should be able to read the article number off the devices label, it start with AB followed by 4 digits, and search for it from the quick find support pages to access documents related to it.