Electronic engineer

I’m trying to VPN in to a eWON Cozy 131 setup through Talk2M but receiving an error. I can connect to the device through Talk2M but cannot VPN using my account. Thanks. My phone number is 410-604-2900. Thanks.


This is our forum and we don’t take phone requests here. You can either:

A. Provide more details about the problem here (like the exact error, what you’ve tried, screenshots, etc.) so that we can be helpful,


B. Create a support case at support.hms-networks.com and include the case details so that we can help with the problem.

Thank you!


The error message we are receiving is “VPN timeout”.

We are able to connect to the device online. The issue is that we are unable to VPN through the Talk2M account into the HMI. Could this be a network firewall issue? We also have other eWon devices that we are able to connect and VPN into. Just have problem with this device. Thanks.


Problem found. The company firewall was blocking traffic in to the eWon Cozy. Lower the firewall to low on that computer and that solved the problem.

OK great! Thank you for the update. Let us know if you have any other questions.