Error code 20

I have configured ewon flexy 102 according to the manual, i have written the code in script setup and while executing i am not able to get any mail in my inbox,further there is no message in scheduled Action but i can see the error in Real time log. For better understanding i am attaching the screenshot.


Hello @krishnan

You actually have a syntax error in your script. The SENDMAIL function takes 4 parameters: TO, CC, SUBJECT, MESSAGE. The way you have your script setup only has 3 parameters, TO, Subject and Message.

Can you try this:

SENDMAIL  "youremail", "", "Information", A$

Now i have tried it as you have mentioned but this time i am getting the error :-SMTP Server returned an error

I am also attaching the way i have configured SMTP:-


The username is in an incorrect format as it is missing the account name.

If you are using the which is an authenticated relay then you will need to ensure the username is the in the format username@account

I’d recommend reviewing our documentation on this SMTP setup, located here:

Hello @krishnan

I just wanted to reach out to see if your issue has been resolved. Please let me know at your earliest convenience.

Hi Jordon,

The issue was solved by changing the server to

But now when I am trying to send SMS using Modbus tcp protocol I am not able to do so though I am getting the data in the eWon browser.

The code that I am using are as follow:-


A$=”pressure: ” +STR$(pressure@) + “Temperature” + STR$(Temperature@)



Please help in this Regard.

Thanks and regards,


Is this unit a cellular unit? Can you please provide a backup including support files?