Ewon Connection Failure


My ewon 202 with 4G sim is installed in a remote site and sending data to my server and also another ewon. All of a sudden yesterday it stopped, and i couldn’t enter the browser page remotely. The WAN connection is a little unstable at the site. Does repeated failures to connect cause the modem to shut down?

Hello Jeen,

Yes it ill depend on the cellular strength connection to the Ewon Flexy. If it is low enough, it will causes issues with maintaining connections. If you can pull a backup with support files, we can review the configuration of the ewon unit.

To pull the back up, you just need to be connected to the device remotely/locally and use eBuddy to pull the files.

Hi Kevin,

How do i use eBuddy with a remote Flexy? It doesn’t show up on the list


If it doesn’t who up on the list when you’re connected through eCatcher, then you will need someone on site to connect locally to download the backup with support files with eBuddy.