Ewon connectivity problem


I’m at a customers and i try to configure the ewon with a static adresse. I tested de wire with my computer with the static adress they gave us and it work. Then i setup the Ewon and it says that the wan is good but then have severl error when i continue with the wizard. These images shows my problem.
Could you give mee a hand plz. thanks!



It looks like the device is not connecting to internet. Is the IP filtered on the network? Also, the device can only communicate on Layer 3 protocol only. It does require ports 1194, and 443 to be open for the VPN connection.

Can you provide a backup with support files for the unit?


I had check with customer’s IT to make sure those ports were open and they were. Oddly, the first time i configure it, it gave me the messages as you can see in the images posted in the initial message. Then I redo the configuration from scratch and it did work… I don’t know what could have happen. I can’t remember if I rebooted the module, but do you think this could help for next time?



Yeah. It could have been a DHCP conflict or routing issue with their network.

I am glad that it was resolved.

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