eWON Cosy USB connected to a USB Communication Adapter

Hello ,

I have a customer who would like to use the USB connection on the eWON Cosy131 . They would like to plug in a Rockwell USB to DH+ Wire adapter into the cosy’s USB port so they can access the DataHighway Plus Devices over the USB.

Please let me know if this would work.

Catalog Number 1784-U2DHP

Do you know if that device supports IP over USB?

IP over USB not sure?

The device does Datahighway + over USB

We unfortunately don’t have a list of devices that are compatible over USB but I think it would be worth trying. To start with, make sure you’re on the most recent version of firmware for the Ewon and eCatcher.

However if it’s still having issues connecting, it will likely be a USB driver incompatibility issue between the device and the Cosy