eWon Cosy131 not reachable through VPN

I’m connected through a Vpn to the customer’s Lan. My eWon cosy 131 is programmed with an EthIP (in the family of customer’s Lan). However I can’t reach it, I can’t ping it and I can’t open the Web page.
I’m using port n°1 of eWon. In this configuration I don’t use port n°4 ethernet WAN connection, because I want to use eWon only as Eth-USB converter, throught the tool “Usb Network Gate”. Somebody can help me ? Is there any configuration to do into eWon to access at eWon with a Vpn ?

Good Morning,

I have struggled a little bit to understand the connection scheme.

1- What do you mean it is programmed with an “EthIP”?
2- If you want to reach the eWon via Local Network. Plug the ethernet cable to one of the green ports. And then use the eBuddy software to detect the eWon.

3- Could you draw a basic sketch for me to understand what are you trying to achieve?

Best regards,

Good Morning,
thanks for your answer,
please look the attached sketch that show the connection of my eWon.
Into the machine it is used only as a Ethernet to Usb converter, I don’t use WAN port.
The problem is that I can’t ping it, or open the Its web page, through the vpn…


It is not possible to connect Ewon to Internet with LAN port. It is not possible to reach the web page or ping it with VPN over the LAN port.

Best regards,

Thanks Merts, in this case I have made a wrong configuration…