Ewon Cozy+ Failed: Cannot Read Ewon Certificate

I’m receiving the error when setting up the Ewon Cozy+ with firmware 21.2s4. It looks like the internet connection is successful but it fails on the “Read Talk2M config” section of the wizard.

Another message pops up stating "The device serial number was already defined in Talk2M. Previous instance was disabled. (-2: Your ewon has successfully registered to EWONNAME on account USERNAME. In replaces Ewon XXX-XXX-XX) The Xs being the serial number.

Inside of eCatcher I can see an updated location in the Ewon location, but the status is still offline.

Let me know if serial numbers, account information or anything else is required. Thanks for the help!

Hi Jordan,

Can you please provide the serial number?

Is it possible you used the activation key that was already used with another Ewon?

Did you restore a backup from a different Ewon?

Hi Kyle,

The serial number would be 2314-0721-25.

I don’t believe I’ve used the activation key with another Ewon, but it’s a possibility. I’ve been trying to get 2 Ewon Cozy+ to work. Would it be beneficial to make a new Ewon in eCatcher then?

I didn’t restore a backup from a different one.


Hi Jordan,

It looks like it successfully registered, but hasn’t been able to make a VPN connection. This is usually indicative of a firewall issue. Is this on an enterprise network with a firewall? If so, you may have to give the following info to the IT department, so they can allow the Ewon to connect to our servers:


You can run the Talk2M Connection Checker utility on that page to see if it can connect.

You could try it, but I suspect it’s more likely a firewall issue.

I don’t believe this would be an issue on the enterprise network. I tested the Ewon on my home network. Does port forwarding need to occur for the two ports (443 TCP and 1194 UDP) that are used? I forgot to check that the ports were forwarding to the correct address so that could be the case in this scenario.

So this might be a dumb question, but this is my first time configuring the Ewon. Could this be an issue with the firewall on my enterprise laptop? I didn’t think that’d be the case.

I appreciate all the help.

I get that message sometimes after the activation fails. It seems to mean that while the activation failed, usually at the establishing VPN Connection part, the ewon was registered on my Ecatcher account. This only happens with the Cosy+ model.

If the Internet Connection wizards WAN and Internet connection test completed successfully and I get that message and it still fails to establish a VPN tunnel, I can back out to the Talk2M wizard and choose the Talk2M Validation Wizard and let it run and often this will complete the VPN connection and the ewon will work then.

This morning I ended drive over to our supplier to swap out the Ewon with another one. Our supplier said he factory reset the device and updated the firmware. It seemed like the problem went away after that point. We aren’t sure if that was a solution to this problem or like abrannon said going into and out of the wizard refreshes the configuration.

Either way, this issue was solved. Thanks for the quick relies and help!

No, only outgoing ports TCP 443 and UDP 1194 are required.

No, that should matter, as long as you can access the web interface.

I’m glad you got up and running. It might have had very old firmware that needed to be updated - hard to be sure at this point.

If you have an urgent request in the future, I recommend using our ticketing system, as we can reply much quicker.
