Ewon Flexy 201 - WAN Communication


I have some problems with an eWon Flexy 201 to configure a WAN connection.
If i use a simple 4G router with an ip wan in dhcp ( / 24), all is ok.
However, our client, deserve us a static ip like that: / 16 + gateway in

Why i can’t configure the wan connection ? It search, don’t find network and failed.
Is there an other configuration to make ?

For infos, behind my eWon, i have a lan in 10.0.0.X/24

Thanks for help !

Can you try and have your computer use the same static address and see if that can get online?


With our computer, without any configuration (so in DHCP), i have internet.
It seems, if it’s really a static ip, we must configure network to be able to work, isn’t it ?

If it needs to be a static IP I would check with the IT team to make sure that address is available and make sure it works on your PC before trying to get the Ewon to use it

IT Team have made errors on server side. It’s ok now ! Thanks :wink:

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Glad to hear it’s working now!