Ewon flexy 205 as NTP Relay with Offset


while working with an ewon flexy 205 as NTP Relay for some devices in the ewons Network, I was facing an issue because the NTP Reley Function doesn’t work the way I thaught it would.

The Example:

I have an NTP Server in our facility = UTC (+0)
I have an EWON as NTP Client = gets the UTC(+0), but I use a Timezone in the NTP Client options so display time is CET(+1) as requested

So now my Issue:
If I connect a rather “dumb” device wich is able to synchronize via NTP Relay functionality, I get the UTC(+0) and not the CET(+1) from the ewon.

My Question:
Is there a possibility to determine an OFFSET for the NTP Relay function so my devices allways gets the Time from the ewons timezone? Because not all my devices can do this on their own.

No, the NTP spec does not recognize time zones. It always uses UTC (system time) and is up to the end device or application to handle the time zone. This is a feature of NTP in general, and is not specific to the Ewon.

Hi Kyle,

thank you so much for you explanation.

Is there maybe a little workaround to manipulate the system time of the ewon with a basic script, based on an fixed offset to the incomming ntp time? The synchronisation between ewon and ntp-server is crucial and definitly needed because of the time deviation after some days…

So my ewon would have a “wrong” utc system time (which probably is not such a big deal?) to share as ntp relay.

Maybe it is in general a bad idea but I dont see any other possibility to get the correct time to a “dumb” device.

PS: I hope this is understandable

Yes, it’s a bad idea to intentionally mess with UTC. The Ewon needs the correct date/time to properly function on the internet.

I would try to come up with a different way to compensate for the limitations of your device.