eWon: possible to ping static IP on WAN port

Hi, if the WAN port 4 is set to a static IP address, does the eWon respond to a ping request? Is there a setting to enable/disable the ping response? thanks!

By default, the Ewon will not respond to pings through its WAN port. This setting can be changed in the Ewon’s web interface.

On an Ewon Flexy, you can adjust this setting by navigating to Setup → System → Communication → Networking → Security. In the WAN Protection section, change the WAN Protection level to “Discard all traffic excepted VPN and initiated traffic (ex: Email) and ICMP (Ping)”. Click update to save the changes, then reboot to apply.

On an Ewon Cosy, navigate to Setup → System → Storage → Tabular edition → Edit COM cfg. Search for the parameter WANItfProt, then double click the value to edit it. Change it to 3, then click save and reboot to apply the change.

perfect thanks!