Excel Pivot Table


Is it possible to embed an excel pivot table and pivot graph into a viewon web page?


It is not going to be easy nor really recommended to try to accomplish this within ViewOn natively. However there may be alternatives available for how to accomplish this.

The eWON has a built in web server that allows for the implementation of webpages developed completely from the ground up. Now thanks to this powerful webserver and existing Pivot Table Javascript libraries, we can develop our own custom webpage that hosts this information.

I put together a super quick example showing how to approach something like this.

Note: This code is provided as an example As-Is. This is intended to be an initial starting point for future implementations.


In the following example I will be creating a pivot table using the historical recording table that is logging two tags.
  • TankLevel - A simple integer value cycling.
  • Gallons - A floating point value representing the gallons processed.

Additionally, we will be using publically available libraries to implement the core PivotTable functionality. To be more direct we will be using:

Now in addition to these public libararies we would also need to use an export block descriptor to actually manage the exportation of the log files.

How does it work?

Essentially we will be creating a simple webpage. In this page we will specify a start and end time and then using the Pivot.JS libarary we will auto-generate a custom PivotTable!

Now this can be highly customized but does require a level of programming knowledge.

Please let me know if this is good.