Export block descriptor time stamps in milliseconds ms

I am exporting data on several eWON that are then inserted into a database. Some tags are recorded multiple times per second and so the export contains records that are not unique based on the time stamp.
Is it possible to export with the time stamp in milliseconds?

Hello @barryt,

It is possible to export tags in milliseconds by using $st and $et in absolute time with the following syntax:
where the mmm means milliseconds.
You can find a more detailed explanation on this manual Export_Block_Descriptor.backupV2.fm (windows.net) (page 4).


I am using the update time and last time functions currently to minimize the data volume of the export. The export is every hour. Using absolute time will required some code to change the time in the Basic IDE. Are you able to share an implementation of this? or is there a different way?

Oh I see. I wasn’t aware you were using basic script. I thought you were using the planner feature that’s why I suggested using the syntax above. I looked up this other manual Basic | Ewon Developers but unfortunately I only have found a “timesec” function for grouping export using basic.
I will investigate a little further and let you know what I find out.


Did you find any addition infomation?

Hello @barryt,
Unfortunately I believe there is no way to get the historical data in milliseconds. How fast are you logging your realtime data? Depending on the IO server you are using, you can at least log in milliseconds.


I am using ABlogix and Modbus IO servers. Due to client network policies we are restricted to sending a data file through their network. When unpacking this datafile and inserting into a database we end up with duplicate records as the logging is in milliseconds in the ewon but the data file only has seconds. Either I can drop half of the data which is not idea in some applications. Or I can get the millisecond timestamp as part of the historical logging data file.

Can you add an SD card to the Flexy unit and then use the basic script to create an export block descriptor file on the sd card? Then move that data every hour.

Unfortunately you won’t be able to export the historical data in milliseconds.
