FLB 3271 wifi extension card issues

I am having a similar situation with my FLB 3271 wifi extension card.

When performing an internet connection test, it is sometimes successful but most of the times it fails. the issue here is that I am interested in the VPN connection which, if successful internet connection, creates a tunnel for about 10 secs then loses the VPN connection.

Weirdly the internet connection on the summary page always says it is connected even if internet connection test fails. I tried resetting the Ewon and now even the internet connection fails but still appears as connected in the summary page.
What can I do?MOVED TO STAFF NOTE (33.5 KB)


I am reviewing the backup.

For the WAN connection, is it a DHCP network or Static? From what i can tell from the device, is that it passes the “WAN Connection” step, which means that it has been asssinged an IP. However, there is still no internet connection.

The device connection could be getting blocked by the network firewall.

Hey Kevin

The WAN connection is on DHCP not Static and yes it always passes the WAN connection successfully but no internet connection.


Are you able to track the traffic with wireshark? If the device is able to connect to the network, and get an IP, then the issue is the network isn’t allowing the outbound connection.

I have never used wireshark, let me try it now.

Have you reached out to the Network’s IT team? They should be able determine where the traffic is going.

I tried to connect to the Wi-Fi again and captured the traffic with Wireshark.
90% of it seems to be focused on the connection request.

FLB3271 wireshark.pcapng.gz (3.0 KB) FLB3271 wireshark2.pcapng.gz.pcapng (35.7 KB)

What are the wifi routers do you use for onsite?

I am in the office and using the Fritz Box router.


Do you have Wifi 6 enabled? If so, can you disable it temporarily then try the connection again?

Has there been any update on this case?

unfortunately I have been in and out the office and very swamped.
Sincerest apologies, I will get back to you soon as I can.

Has there been any traffic on this issue? If not, I will mark it solved for now until you are able to get to it.