Flexy 205 BASIC logic exponent


I have an eWon tag that has a scaling factor which is expressed as an exponent (ex. -2, -1, 0, 1, 2)
such that if the value of the scaling factor is -2, I need to move the decimal place left ‘2’ places.
Ex. if the raw value is ‘6000’ and scaling factor is ‘-2’, the scaled value would read ‘60.00’

Is there a function in the BASIC library that can handle the exponent? Thanks!

You can use ^ to compute exponents in the Basic IDE, where 5^2 computes 5 to the power of 2, yielding 25. In your example, you could do ScaledVal = 6000 * 10^-2, which would give you 6000 * 0.01, or 60.