How make CSV file of tags in eWON flexy 205


For a project I would like make a datadump of the existing tags in my eWON flexy 205.

Is this possible, and how can I do this?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

You can FTP into the Flexy and download the Var_lst.csv and Var_lst.txt.

These two files contain the full list of tags, as well as there setup and parameters from the Tag such as address, data type, alarming, logging and so on.

Thank you for this information Kevin

However, if I open te csv file in Excel. I don’t see a list of sensors. Is there something I’m doing wrong, or do I need to use a different program?

Are you using windows explorer as the FTP connection to the Flexy?

I would use a dedicated FTP program such as Filezilla. I ran some tests on my end, and found if i connected with Windows Explorer, the files were empty.

I was able to get the full list using filezilla.

Hi Kevin,

I managed to get a full CSV file in the end. I had to use the function copy to folder (right mouse clik on the file )instead of the copy paste method.

This procedure has been noted.

Thank you for the update.