How to connect carrier board for Anybus CompactCom B40-1

I’m designing a carrier board for the Anybus CompactCom B40-1.

On the host connector I’m using the SPI bus.

  1. Should pins 19,20,36,37,39,51 be tied directly to 3.3V, or though pull-up resistors?
  2. Should OM2-0 be tied directly to 3.3V/GND, or though pull-up resistors?

On the network connector I’m using copper Ethernet.
3. Should DeviceNet/Profibus pins 45-50 be left unconnected?


Hello @Chris_HDW,

Generally if they are tied to 3.3v directly unless stated other wise. There should be a note in the comments/descriptions section for pins that need pull up resistors.

For OM3 “Strapping input with internal weak pull-up during powerup. To configure OM3, use an external pull-up/pull-down of 1.0 to 2.2 kΩ. The pin changes to output after powerup”

3.2.1 Pin Overview
3.2.4 Operating modes for info on the OM* pins
3.4.2 Pin Usage in SPI Mode

Unused network signals may be left floating.
