How to connect New Axis Camera?

I changed my Axis camera model for the new one.

Do you have any tip to use it with talk2M ?

This camera is MotionJpeg compatible.

The new Axis camera model is : M3206-LVE.

Could you help me ?

Thanks in advance,


Does it have a web page for viewing the video? If so, simply follow the instructions for allowing HTTP/HTTPS:

We did it, but when using our link, I do not have access to my camera.
I just received a batch of random characters.

We used to buy camera model discontinued (M3024-LVE).
We stayed with Axis mark but the new one seems to be different.
The new model is M3206-LVE
These cameras are motion jpeg compatible.

What could I do to get an image through M2web ?

You may need to adjust the URL:


Do you have some screen shots?

we will do some tests in a near future.
For the moment, our machine is on the way for our customers.

I’ll buy other camera and we’ll test it again in a week.

I’ll be take picture in this time.


OK, I will mark this thread as “solved” for now to put it on hold and await your next message.

A post was split to a new topic: Axis camera in M2Web http