How to set up a Flexy 205

Going over how to set up a Flexy 205

Hi Chris,

To start with make sure the device is powered on and that you have a PC connected to one of the LAN ports of the Flexy.

Next go onto eBuddy and hit the refresh button to see if the device is showing up. You should see something that says “eWON Flexy 205” under device Type. From there, right click on the device and go to open in browser.

If you’re not able to get the device to open in the web browser, check the device’s IP address on eBuddy and make sure that your LAN network is in the same subnet.

For example:
If your device is set to the ip: then you need to make sure that your LAN IPV4 address for your PC is set to be 192.168.0.x where the x is from 0 to 255. This can be set by going into your computer’s control panel>Network and Internet> Network Connections and then right click on your LAN connection and go to properties. From here go to “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and go to properties.

On the devices web page, you should see something in the top right corner that says wizards. Go through the first one to set up the Local time of the device. After that you should see an internet wizard that will let you choose your internet connection (wired,modem,wifi, ect). After that it should ask you if you want to use DHCP or a Static IP address. Then it will test the connection.

If everything passed during the internet test, you can go onto the Talk2M wizard and it will ask for an activation key that you’ll need to get from eCatcher. You can find this by going onto eCatcher and right clicking on the eWON that you’re trying to get online and going to properties. From here go to Talk2M connectivity and copy the activation key to be used on the Flexy’s web page. After this it will check the connection to M2Web and the device should appear online on eCatcher.

If there’s issues during this setup go back onto eBuddy and right click on the device and go to backup/restore. Make sure that you include the support files and go through the rest of the prompt and save the .tar file. Send that file to “” and we can take a closer look at it.


Hi Chris,

Just wanted to see if this issue was all set before I close this ticket?
