How to transfer Ewon Flexy to new account

We have just began to ship machines (we’re an OEM) with some Ewon Flexy units for remote access. We previous had two testers that we were using and the first engineers to do the testing created there own accounts to link the Flexy’s with. Now that we are deploying these thing we figured we should create a department account and then create individual users to the account so we can have all the Ewons and engineers on the same account.

The problem is that we already have two units in the field and they are both linked to separate accounts. I tried remotely activating them to the new department account that we have, using the “Register with Ewon Name”, but when it gets to the final step I always get an error that says “Device Unreachable”.

I tried using the first option also which uses a registration key but that also did not work. No errors, just didn’t work.

Hi John,

Just making a not here to close the topic since we talked on the phone.

To change the account the device must first be removed from an account which means you would not be able to access it through talk2m to register it again.

The exception to this is if the device is an a free+ account and you are trying to move it into a Pro account. In that case as long as your an admin in the free+ account the devices can be imported to the Pro account without needing to delete them first.