I lost connection with a Flexy 205 while I was update my password. I try to reboot it and still nothing.

I tried a level 1 reset. But the led never when to blinking mode after 30 sec (3. Wait approximately 30 seconds until the USR LED blinks red 1x per second) .

I also try the level 2 reset and again it doesn’t work.

When performing the reset procedure the USR led turn red after after 5-6 sec and nothing happend at 30 or 35 sec.

What can I do to restore my Ewon.

I need a help for the reset ewon Flexy 205. I forgot my user and my password. I saw the manual instructions of the product, but I don’t have sucess. Well, I turn off and on with the button reset pressionaded and hold per 30 seconds or I hold until the led usr stop of blinks. I follow the primary reset and the second reset unsuccessfully. When I finish this procedure, the led usr stay in red. After, I turn off the product and this led’s back to normal.

Thank you

Hi @mleal,

Please see:

How to Perform a Reset Level 1 and Level 2 on an Ewon Device

Please note that the reset button is recessed in a hole under the LEDs.

Hello Kyle,

Thank you. But I already did it and without sucess. I would like other option of reset the Ewon

  1. Does the BI1 LED come on when you press the reset button?

  2. Have you tried it in this order:

    1-press and hold RESET button
    2-Power on Ewon continuing to hold RESET 
    3-Wait about 35 seconds until USR LED blinks red for 5 seconds then turns solid red
    4. Release RESET 
    5. After 15 seconds, power cycle the device
  3. Please provide the serial number of the Ewon.

Good morning

I followed your step by step but it is not reset, after turning it off it returns with the same settings. Could you help me with another solution? here’s a link to a video of how I’m doing it https://valgroupco-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/p/goliveir/EoegBTQ-F35Fud4wb5cdCYsBLpdOLC19jzObzVfzraIdCg?e=hMxj5Y

From the video I can’t see where the device was powered off. Did you hold the button down, then power the device on?

Another consideration, the device must be powered off and then powered back on to complete the process.

In the video, it looks like ALL the lights are flashing red, then turn solid red. Is that correct? If so, that is not normal behavior. The device may be defective. Please provide the serial number.

The device is being disconnected directly from the power cable, it is a little difficult to perform and film, after turning it on, the reset button is pressed immediately and the lights turn on as described in the instruction manual. At the end, the red light of the USR is flashing non-stop and as said, the device must be restarted and that is what is being done but it is not reset and continues with the same settings. In the video I did not show the on and off after the reset. Here is the serial number as requested: 1807-0130-24

Since the device is older and out of warranty, I think the only option left is to try a recovery using eBuddy. It’s similar to the reset process, except you will first open eBuddy and go to ‘Tools > Ewon Recovery’, enter the serial number, eBuddy will download the latest firmware for the device and then start scanning. It needs to be in Recovery Mode for eBuddy to find it. You put it into Recovery Mode by booting with the Reset button held down. When eBuddy recognizes the device, you will release the button and eBuddy will give you instructions for what to do next, like it will have to double press the reset button to acknowledge the process. It will then install the firmware and hopefully that will fix the device.


what does this error mean?


Did you make sure that you entered the serial number is correctly? The last 2 digits of the serial specify the device model, so if those don’t match up, you may get that error.